Why utilities need to proactively guide standard DER bulk system responses

Why utilities need to proactively guide standard DER bulk system responses
By Patrick Dalton and Bob Mack
Patrick Dalton
Manager, Distributed Energy Resources
Bob Mack
Energy Markets Analyst - Distributed Energy Resources
May 12, 2020

Distributed energy resource (DER) responses are fast becoming critical to bulk power system (BPS) reliability. As a result, the DER interconnection and interoperability standard outlined in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547-2018 revision has drawn significant attention in the industry.

In this paper, ICF experts explore the complexity of navigating the DER requirement to support bulk system reliability under IEEE 1547-2018. In the process, they reveal:

  • Why utilities should engage with IEEE 1547-2018 implementation.
  • How to balance the tension between distribution and BPS needs.
  • The key decision points for implementing IEEE 1547-2018.

Download the paper to learn how IEEE 1547-2018 might impact your distribution operators—and why the time to act is now.

Meet the authors
  1. Patrick Dalton, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources
  2. Bob Mack, Energy Markets Analyst - Distributed Energy Resources